Saturday, December 23, 2006

Missing old friends

We were at a dinner the other day and my friend Glenn asked me what we would miss the most during our stay in India. I did not have to think much about this one. All of us are going to miss our friends and family the most. It took me many years in my life to realize that the quality of relationships and interactions with people defines the level of happiness that one experiences in life.

Our last few weeks in the US have been full of such interactions. We find ourselves spending most of our time thinking about people that we need to see or atleast talk to before we leave. We are working hard to make sure that we have updated contact information for all our friends and they have ours. Aanish and Ayaana have more play dates and sleep overs in a couple of weeks than they have had for the entire year. Seema (Mona's sister) and Mick (her husband) hosted a going-away party for us and gave us a chance to see some of our friends before we leave.

Fortunately, in the age of VOIP, e-mail, Instant Messaging and Skype - we will never be too far away. But we will miss the warmth and love of people with whom we have built lasting relationships over many years.

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